Are you in a Dental Emergency ? Is it difficult to analyze the situation ? Then Let us help you trigger that. When you encounter any of the following symptoms, visit best dentist as soon as possible:

  1. Swollen cheeks/gums and intense discomfort caused by swelling or potential infection;
  2. Extreme tooth sensitivity or toothache causing constant pain
  3. Gums that does not stop bleeding or
  4. Trauma from an accident.

Things such as teeth brushing, teeth whitening, slight sensitivity, or a minor tooth chip may all be handled by a dentist at a later point in time. However it is advisable to contact the dentist to let them determine whether or not a visit is needed.

Is Prior Appointment Required?

Under the present situations, it is best to make a previous appointment for the following reasons before attending the dental clinic:

  1. Ensuring social distance to minimise the number of patients in the waiting room.
  2. To reduce a patient's waiting period.

A prior appointment is encouraged because the time required to train the dental operator has risen due to the elaborate safety procedure to be practised.

How Dental Clinics Protect Patients and Staff from COVID-19?

Protection, especially now is of utmost concern as dentists join the new world of COVID-19. Today, dental hospitals are taking special care, as recommended by Government:

  1. Booking Appointments: Prior to making them an appointment, telephone screening of all patients is completed. In order to maintain social space between patients, visits are staggered with more time allotted for each patient to minimise the number of people in the clinic at any given moment.
  2. Screening: For screening purposes, the temperature and pulse oximeter reading of someone who visits the clinic is recorded. Detailed medical and travel information on COVID-19 and other diseases in general is taken from all patients, and care is given only after risk assessment. Maintaining sitting spaces: In the waiting room, seats are set six feet away. You may be asked to sit outside in your car or in an outdoor room until the previous patient has left and the service has been reset if you are reached before the time for your appointment or if the dental specialist is running late.
  3. Increasing sanitation: Before you arrive for your appointment, dentists will have sanitised equipment at the ready. In order to ensure that chairs and non-disposable equipment are properly disinfected after each patient has been treated, new protocols have been developed.
  4. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Dentists use PPE as they practise, including hairnets, facial shields, hats, and full-body gowns and suits. As suggested by the existing recommendations, PPE is altered after handling each patient to minimise the chance of cross-contamination.
  5. Procedures to adjust to prevent aerosols:More aerosols than others can end up generating certain equipment or some procedures. If aerosols are possible (which may be the case with some surgeries or lengthy procedures), dentists may use other methods to extract the aerosol efficiently.

Precautions while Visiting a Dental Clinic?

  1. Be frank with your dentist, engage in pre and post-appointment screenings, and don't miss the details.
  2. Whenever practicable, you can wear a mask- while going around the facility, while discussing your appointment, and on the way out. Doing so may stop you from spewing contagious airborne particles unknowingly and may also stop you from breathing them in.
  3. Avoid using the toilet. You can wash or sanitise your hands immediately afterwards, whether you want to use the toilet or touch a surface with your bare hands.
  4. Again after you leave the clinic, washing your hands is necessary.
  5. With the exception of dependents and infants, stick to the appointment date and stop having an attendant.
  6. Avoid wearing a wristwatch, rings, and other other bags or accessories.
  7. To avoid the chances of transmission through cash or credit cards, online payments via wallets or QR codes are encouraged.

For many months till we get medicines, COVID-19 will be with us. So by keeping a balanced diet and oral hygiene regimen, it is necessary to look after your oral health.

Follow the Oral Hygiene :
  1. Brush twice a day: Spend at least 2- 3 minutes brushing.
  2. Using Fluoride toothpaste: Fluoride is ingested into the enamel and helps to rebuild it in order to hold the teeth hard while replenishing the missing calcium and phosphorus.
  3. Stop sticky foods: Sticky foods, such as hard candies, breath mints, and lollipops, are those that have long-lasting sources of sugar. These are also correlated and can be prevented with tooth decay.
  4. Drink plenty of Water: Water helps keep your mouth clean and keep your mouth dry. It washes out discarded food and debris searched for by cavity-causing bacteria. In addition, it dilutes the acids formed by certain bacteria as well.

To deliver a range of sterile and gentle therapies, we use the newest equipment and methods, and our sterilisation procedures give our patients a whole new level of security. Get in touch with the best dentist in Bangalore today if you are looking for a top-quality orthodontic practise and want to hear more about how ToothAffair, the best dental clinic will help you.

Get all dental solutions with the best dentist in Bangalore at ToothAffair. Contact now to book an appointment -  080-37518704 / 9606305454